Armour Research Foundation Metals Research Building II

1947 (demolished 1962)
44 West 34th Street
Built as part of a 1947 Federal Works Agency project to provide facilities for veterans of World War II.
Formerly/Also Known As: Temporary Building No. 4 (1947), Student Union Annex (1947), South Union (ca. 1947-1950), Home Economics (1950-1955)
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Collapse sources
Temporary Building No. 4: "Five Temporary, Two Permanent Buildings Double Class Space," Technology News, September 23, 1947, 7.
Student Union Annex: Illinois Institute of Technology, Graduate School Bulletin (1948), 3.
South Union: "Home Ecs Set Up Camp in South Union," Technology News, September 22, 1950, 8.
Home Economics: "Home Ecs Set Up Camp in South Union," 8.
Armour Research Foundation Metals Research Building II: Illinois Institute of Technology, Your Guide to Technology Center (Chicago: Illinois Institute of Technology, 1957).
Illinois Institute of Technology, Graduate School Bulletin (1948).
"Tech Changes Over the Summer; Armour Mission Demolished, Lots Paved," Technology News, September 14, 1962, 4.
Tom Tipi, "Temporary Buildings Not So Temporary - 10 Years Old," Technology News December 14, 1956, 5.
Temporary Building No. 4: "Five Temporary, Two Permanent Buildings Double Class Space," Technology News, September 23, 1947, 7.
Student Union Annex: Illinois Institute of Technology, Graduate School Bulletin (1948), 3.
South Union: "Home Ecs Set Up Camp in South Union," Technology News, September 22, 1950, 8.
Home Economics: "Home Ecs Set Up Camp in South Union," 8.
Armour Research Foundation Metals Research Building II: Illinois Institute of Technology, Your Guide to Technology Center (Chicago: Illinois Institute of Technology, 1957).
Illinois Institute of Technology, Graduate School Bulletin (1948).
"Tech Changes Over the Summer; Armour Mission Demolished, Lots Paved," Technology News, September 14, 1962, 4.
Tom Tipi, "Temporary Buildings Not So Temporary - 10 Years Old," Technology News December 14, 1956, 5.
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