Armour Research Foundation Experimental Foundry

1939-1940 (demolished ca. 1943)
34th and Federal Streets
This brick and steel building served as a temporary foundry for the Armour Research Foundation during the construction of the ARF Metals Building (now the Materials and Metals Building) in 1943.
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Collapse sources
"$35,000 Foundry Begins Research in Die Casting," Armour Tech News, May 7, 1940, 1.
Armour Institute of Technology, Bulletin of the Armour Institute of Technology XXIV, no. 2 (May, 1940), 155.
"$250,000 Contract Awarded For Erection Of Metallurgical Building," Technology News, December 12, 1941, 1.
"$35,000 Foundry Begins Research in Die Casting," 1.
"Erection Begun on Foundry Lab Research Unit," Armour Tech News, December 12, 1939, 1.
"$35,000 Foundry Begins Research in Die Casting," Armour Tech News, May 7, 1940, 1.
Armour Institute of Technology, Bulletin of the Armour Institute of Technology XXIV, no. 2 (May, 1940), 155.
"$250,000 Contract Awarded For Erection Of Metallurgical Building," Technology News, December 12, 1941, 1.
"$35,000 Foundry Begins Research in Die Casting," 1.
"Erection Begun on Foundry Lab Research Unit," Armour Tech News, December 12, 1939, 1.
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